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Projecten & activiteiten
instante stedelijkheid
Bikes to Borrow
Blauwe Huis Cinema
instante stedelijkheid
Bloemen voor IJburg
instante stedelijkheid
Blue Meetings
Blue Print
instante stedelijkheid
Brief van Marcel Möring
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
City Telling IJburg
Creatief op IJburg
Debat 'Kunst van het samenleven'
Do you wanna work it?
instante stedelijkheid
Faculty of Invisibility
Galerie Evolution de l'art
Geluidswandeling IJburg
Hollow Land
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
M2M Radio
Motel Out of the Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Parade der Stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
Project Johan Siebers
Publieke moestuin
instante stedelijkheid
Pump Up The Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Rondleiding door de stilte
instante stedelijkheid
Sing for your supper
Socially Yours
instante stedelijkheid
Stedelijk in de stad
Think Tank
Van pionieren tot wonen
ZZP krant
Bewoners & bewerkers
Bart Janssen
Landschapsarchitect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Arnhem)
Cesare Pietroiusti
Kunstenaar (Italie, woont en werkt in Rome)
Cheikh Sakho
Schilder (Senegal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Daniela Paes Leao
Kunstenaar en filmmaker (Portugal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Dennis Kaspori
Architect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Dennis Straat
Stadsdeelwethouder Zeeburg
Elke Krasny
Curator (Oostenrijk, werkt en woont in Wenen)
Eveline de Munck Mortier
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Floris van Heijnsbergen
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Beeldend kunstenaar
Herve Paraponaris
Beeldend kunstenaar (Frankrijk, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Het Blauwe Huis
Howard Chan
Kunstenaar/directeur The AiR Association Limited (China, woont en werkt in Hong Kong)
Igor Dobrocic
Theatermaker/programmadirecteur ECF (Servië, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Igor Roovers
Programma manager Projectbureau IJburg
IJburg TV
Inga Zimprich
Kunstenaar and kunsttheoretica (Duitsland, woont en werkt in Maastricht / Ukraine)
Ingrid Meus
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Den Haag)
Jeanne van Heeswijk
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Jo van der Spek
Radiomaker (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Johan Bakker
Bewoners IJburg, initiatiefnemer van De Boekenkas
Johan Siebers
Filosoof (Nederland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Joost Grootens
Kunstenaar en vormgever (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
M7red (Mauricio Corbalan + Pio Torroja)
Architecten (Argentinië, wonen en werken in Buenos Aires)
Marcel Möring
Schrijver (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Marianne Maasland
Kunsthistoricus (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Marthe van Eerdt
Bewoner IJburg, Initiatiefnemer kinderbibliotheek Leesjeblauw
Nicoline Koek
Kunsthistorica, ondernemer en initiatiefnemer Bloemen voor IJburg
Nuno Sacramento
Schaduwcurator (Portugal, woont en werkt in Lissabon)
Kunstenaars en cultureel intermediair (Nederland, wonen en werken in Amsterdam en Istanbul)
Peter van Keulen
Bewoner IJburg, initiatiefnemer van IJboot
Pilot Publishing (Ella Gibbs + Amy Plant)
Kunstenaars (Engeland, wonen en werken in Londen)
Roé Cerpac
Beeldend kunstenaar (Israël, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Rudy Luijters
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Brussel)
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Sonia Boyce
Kunstenaar (Engeland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Soundtrackcity Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Tere Recarens
Kunstenaar (Spanje, woont en werkt in Berlijn)
Transparadiso (Barbara Holub + Paul Rajakovics)
Kunstenaar & stedenbouwkundige/architect (Oostenrijk, wonen en werken in Wenen)
Usha Mahabiersing
Bewoonster IJburg, initiatiefnemer van de Blauwe Huis Cinema
Yane Calovski
Kunstenaar en schrijver (Macedonië, woont en werkt in Skopje)
Januari 2010
December 2009
November 2009
Oktober 2009
September 2009
Augustus 2009
Juli 2009
Juni 2009
Mei 2009
April 2009
Maart 2009
- Reuze periscoop geeft IJburg zijn uitzicht terug
- Teken de petitie Uitzicht op!
- Woensdag 25 maart 13.00-17.00: Kunstbus Noordje op Wielen
- Zaterdag 28 maart: De kunst van het samenleven
- Het Nieuwe Gezin. Een verslag van Anique Weve
- Verslag; The (un)making of IJburg
- Zaterdag 14 maart 15.00: Een 'maakbare' samenleving
- Hands-on Utopia
- Uitzicht op! Een nieuwe kijk op IJburg
- Zaterdag 7 maart 15.00: Ideaal Wonen
- Beeldverslag filmavond Women Only 12 februari
Februari 2009
Januari 2009
December 2008
Oktober 2008
September 2008
Augustus 2008
Juli 2008
Juni 2008
Mei 2008
April 2008
Maart 2008
Februari 2008
Januari 2008
December 2007
November 2007
Oktober 2007
September 2007
- Film Legrain en Beauvent
- Speciale last minute actie voor IJburgers
- Programma Autohotel
- Gezocht: medewerkers Autohotel
- Filmpje: Autohotel door Olga Russel
- Nieuwsbrief 19
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 28 september
- Filmpje: Identiteitbouwer door Daniela Paes Leao
- Filmpje Blauwe Huis Cinema door Jessie Vreden
- Filmpje Autohotel door Bright TV
- 3 oktober: Peter Faber vertelt geheimzinnige verhalen
- 22 september: Blok 35 Party
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 21 september
- Proeflokaal
- Moeders’ Mooiste: IJburg in tekeningen
- Nieuwsbrief 18
- Just another idea....
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 14 september
- 8 september: 'Scene's from the Balcony'
- Nieuwsbrief 17
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 7 september
- 1 september: extra kamer voor Het Blauwe Huis
- Presentatie 'Atlas of Suggestion' 1-9 September
Augustus 2007
Juli 2007
Juni 2007
Mei 2007
April 2007
Februari 2007
November 2006
September 2006
Mei 2006
April 2006
Maart 2006
September 2005
Mei 2005
April 2005
Maart 2005
Juni 2004
Mei 2004

An international symposium on Instant Urbanism, Hospitality and Accelerated History.
August 3rd - 9th 2009
To register please contact:
Irene den Hartoog, Production Manager at: info@blauwehuis.org
You can find more information on the program and the participants by going to 'Out of the Blue' on the left side of this page.
Deadline for registration: Monday, July 31th, 2009
Out of The Blue is an international symposium organized by The Blue House (Het Blauwe Huis) focusing on three main navigational strands in understanding experimental communities: Instant Urbanism, Hospitality and Accelerated History.
Out of The Blue is as a discursive forum where a number of investigative questions will be articulated via workshops, intense dialogues, in-conversations, study sessions, public deliberation plenaries, performances, and discussions with a number of guests on stage. The initiator and main organizer is The Blue House, a four-year durational project initiated in IJburg, a new city extension of Amsterdam. IJburg is a major new urban district being developed on a cluster of man-made islands to the east of Amsterdam city centre. The whole development is governed by a highly detailed plan, the implementation of which is strictly regulated.
In 2005, artist Jeanne van Heeswijk arranged for a large villa in housing 'Block 35' to be taken off the private market and be re-designated as a space for community research, artistic production and cultural activities. In cooperation with Dennis Kaspori and Hervé Paraponaris The Blue House has acted as a centre for artistic and cultural production and research into what happens when such a radical approach to urban planning and community development is employed.
Out of The Blue will take place in the future 'Activity Centre' on the island presently under construction. The still concrete structure will be used as a temporal public faculty, a 50-room motel and an amphitheatre. The design is made by Maartje Dros and Francois Lombarts. The curator of the symposium is Yane Calovski. It is part of Blue House project 'Parade of Urbanism' from Jeanne van Heeswijk and Dennis Kaspori in collaboration with Floris van Heynsbergen.
Symposium program:
Instant Urbanism: All for the love of Instant Urbanism
Organized with Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen (STEALTH.unlimited, Rotterdam / Belgrade).
'All for the love of Instant Urbanism' brings together a group of people involved with and troubled by the necessity for a more future oriented instant creation and collectivity in the city. It blends a workshop, performance and discussions with a number of guests on stage, while setting out for the slippery grounds of even newer horizons.
Participants will include: Tor Lindstrand and Mårten Spångberg, International Festival, Stockholm; Emiliano Gandolfi, Cohabitation Strategies, independent curator and architect, Rotterdam; Dubravka Sekulic, architect and researcher, Belgrade / Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht; Harold Guyaux, Recetas Urbanas, Sevilla; Manuela Zechner, Future Archive, London; and Anja Kanngieser, University of Melbourne, Australia), Eva de Klerk, project booster and concept developer, NDSM wharf, Amsterdam, Jeanne van Heeswijk and Dennis Kaspori, Rotterdam, IJburg inhabitants and Blue House members: Howard Chan, m7red (Mauricio Corbalán and Pio Torroja), Rudy J. Luijters, Floris van Heijnsbergen, Bart Janssen, Ingrid Meus, Eveline de Munck Mortier, Peter van Keulen, Usha Mahabiersing, Nicoline Koek, Marthe van Eerdt.
Hospitality: Hospitality, Privacy, Place
Organized with Dr. Johan Siebers (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies School of Advanced Study, University of London).
'Hospitality, Privacy, Place' is a two-day workshop that will explore the dialectic between these concepts in the context of the question what it means to build and develop a community that can be a mirror of Europe, both mediating and shaping its course.
Participants will include: Peter Thompson, Sheffield University (concrete utopias), Volker Schneider, Speedliner Co. and Ernst Bloch Assoziation, Bochum (concrete utopia, urbanization), Maaike Engelen, London (psychoanalysis as cultural critique). Isis Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Lancaster University, Julie Kitchener (Oxleas NHS Trust, London) and Blue House members: Inga Zimprich, Sonia Boyce, Nuno Sacramento, Roé Cerpac, Daniela Paes Leão.
Accelerated History: Is Time Enough? Duration, Location and Accelerated Histories
Organized with Dr. Paul O’Neill (artist - curator and GWR Research Fellow in Commissioning with Situations, University of the West of England, Bristol).
This strand of the symposium takes a speculative look at how duration and the evolutionary process of time is conceived of as part of new cumulative approaches to artistic, organizational and curatorial praxis in response to a specific locations and contexts. Centered around a series of intense dialogues and in-conversations, this strand aims to unpack key issues relating Durational approaches to Participatory Praxis, Collaboration and Play, Communities and Social Engagement, Organizational Models and Networks, Critical Writing and Pedagogy.
Participants will include: Sally Tallant (Head of Programmes, Serpentine, London) and Jonathan Banks (Exec. Director, ixia – the UK national public art think-tank), curator Sophie Hope (co-founder of B+B) and writer-curator Eva Fotiadi, artists Barbara Holub & Paul Rajakovics (Transparadiso) and Mick Wilson (Dean of GradCam, Dublin), writer Ned Rossiter (author of ‘Organized Networks’) and Paul O’Neill with a writing workshop on duration led by Maria Fusco (Writer and Director of Art Writing, Goldsmiths, London), Venessa Vasic Janekovic (Intern, Situations, Bristol), Christoph Schaefer (Park Fiction, Hamburg) and Basak Senova (curator and designer, Nomad.tv and assistant professor, Kadir Has University. Istanbul) and Blue House members: Pilot Publishing (Ella Gibbs and Amy Plant), Daniela Paes Leão, Sarah van Sonsbeeck, Yane Calovski, Ria Jade Hartley, Silvia Russel.
Credits: Out of The Blue has been developed by The Blue House and a number of partner institutions including: Locating the Producers - an on-going collaborative research initiative between Situations at the University of the West of England, Bristol, ProjectBase in Cornwall and Dartington College of Arts / University College Falmouth and led by Dr. Paul O’Neill, ECREA – European Communication Research and Education Association - Philosophy of Communication and The Art of Urban Intervention, a project by < rotor > association for contemporary art (Graz), University of J. E. Purkyne (Usti nad Labem), [BLOK] – Local Base for cultural refreshment (Zagreb), The Blue House (Amsterdam), Institute of Contemporary Art Sofia and NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts (Milano). The Art of Urban Intervention is supported by the Cultural Programme of European Union.
The symposium has been generously has been made possible by Moes Bouwgroep, De Key - De Principaal and with the support of AFK, Mondriaan Stichting, Stichting DOEN and SNS REAAL Fonds. The Blue House is also supported by de Alliantie, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Digitale Pioniers, Fonds BKVB, ECF, SKOR, Stadsdeel Zeeburg, VSB Fonds and Waterstad 3. For more info on The Blue House: info@blauwehuis.org / +31(0)6-3859 5379.
The Blue House goes Out of the Blue