. . .

Projecten & activiteiten
instante stedelijkheid
Bikes to Borrow
Blauwe Huis Cinema
instante stedelijkheid
Bloemen voor IJburg
instante stedelijkheid
Blue Meetings
Blue Print
instante stedelijkheid
Brief van Marcel Möring
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
City Telling IJburg
Creatief op IJburg
Debat 'Kunst van het samenleven'
Do you wanna work it?
instante stedelijkheid
Faculty of Invisibility
Galerie Evolution de l'art
Geluidswandeling IJburg
Hollow Land
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
M2M Radio
Motel Out of the Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Parade der Stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
Project Johan Siebers
Publieke moestuin
instante stedelijkheid
Pump Up The Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Rondleiding door de stilte
instante stedelijkheid
Sing for your supper
Socially Yours
instante stedelijkheid
Stedelijk in de stad
Think Tank
Van pionieren tot wonen
ZZP krant
Bewoners & bewerkers
Bart Janssen
Landschapsarchitect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Arnhem)
Cesare Pietroiusti
Kunstenaar (Italie, woont en werkt in Rome)
Cheikh Sakho
Schilder (Senegal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Daniela Paes Leao
Kunstenaar en filmmaker (Portugal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Dennis Kaspori
Architect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Dennis Straat
Stadsdeelwethouder Zeeburg
Elke Krasny
Curator (Oostenrijk, werkt en woont in Wenen)
Eveline de Munck Mortier
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Floris van Heijnsbergen
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Beeldend kunstenaar
Herve Paraponaris
Beeldend kunstenaar (Frankrijk, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Het Blauwe Huis
Howard Chan
Kunstenaar/directeur The AiR Association Limited (China, woont en werkt in Hong Kong)
Igor Dobrocic
Theatermaker/programmadirecteur ECF (Servië, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Igor Roovers
Programma manager Projectbureau IJburg
IJburg TV
Inga Zimprich
Kunstenaar and kunsttheoretica (Duitsland, woont en werkt in Maastricht / Ukraine)
Ingrid Meus
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Den Haag)
Jeanne van Heeswijk
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Jo van der Spek
Radiomaker (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Johan Bakker
Bewoners IJburg, initiatiefnemer van De Boekenkas
Johan Siebers
Filosoof (Nederland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Joost Grootens
Kunstenaar en vormgever (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
M7red (Mauricio Corbalan + Pio Torroja)
Architecten (Argentinië, wonen en werken in Buenos Aires)
Marcel Möring
Schrijver (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Marianne Maasland
Kunsthistoricus (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Marthe van Eerdt
Bewoner IJburg, Initiatiefnemer kinderbibliotheek Leesjeblauw
Nicoline Koek
Kunsthistorica, ondernemer en initiatiefnemer Bloemen voor IJburg
Nuno Sacramento
Schaduwcurator (Portugal, woont en werkt in Lissabon)
Kunstenaars en cultureel intermediair (Nederland, wonen en werken in Amsterdam en Istanbul)
Peter van Keulen
Bewoner IJburg, initiatiefnemer van IJboot
Pilot Publishing (Ella Gibbs + Amy Plant)
Kunstenaars (Engeland, wonen en werken in Londen)
Roé Cerpac
Beeldend kunstenaar (Israël, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Rudy Luijters
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Brussel)
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Sonia Boyce
Kunstenaar (Engeland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Soundtrackcity Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Tere Recarens
Kunstenaar (Spanje, woont en werkt in Berlijn)
Transparadiso (Barbara Holub + Paul Rajakovics)
Kunstenaar & stedenbouwkundige/architect (Oostenrijk, wonen en werken in Wenen)
Usha Mahabiersing
Bewoonster IJburg, initiatiefnemer van de Blauwe Huis Cinema
Yane Calovski
Kunstenaar en schrijver (Macedonië, woont en werkt in Skopje)
Januari 2010
December 2009
November 2009
Oktober 2009
September 2009
Augustus 2009
Juli 2009
Juni 2009
Mei 2009
April 2009
Maart 2009
- Reuze periscoop geeft IJburg zijn uitzicht terug
- Teken de petitie Uitzicht op!
- Woensdag 25 maart 13.00-17.00: Kunstbus Noordje op Wielen
- Zaterdag 28 maart: De kunst van het samenleven
- Het Nieuwe Gezin. Een verslag van Anique Weve
- Verslag; The (un)making of IJburg
- Zaterdag 14 maart 15.00: Een 'maakbare' samenleving
- Hands-on Utopia
- Uitzicht op! Een nieuwe kijk op IJburg
- Zaterdag 7 maart 15.00: Ideaal Wonen
- Beeldverslag filmavond Women Only 12 februari
Februari 2009
Januari 2009
December 2008
Oktober 2008
September 2008
Augustus 2008
Juli 2008
Juni 2008
Mei 2008
April 2008
Maart 2008
Februari 2008
Januari 2008
December 2007
November 2007
Oktober 2007
September 2007
- Film Legrain en Beauvent
- Speciale last minute actie voor IJburgers
- Programma Autohotel
- Gezocht: medewerkers Autohotel
- Filmpje: Autohotel door Olga Russel
- Nieuwsbrief 19
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 28 september
- Filmpje: Identiteitbouwer door Daniela Paes Leao
- Filmpje Blauwe Huis Cinema door Jessie Vreden
- Filmpje Autohotel door Bright TV
- 3 oktober: Peter Faber vertelt geheimzinnige verhalen
- 22 september: Blok 35 Party
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 21 september
- Proeflokaal
- Moeders’ Mooiste: IJburg in tekeningen
- Nieuwsbrief 18
- Just another idea....
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 14 september
- 8 september: 'Scene's from the Balcony'
- Nieuwsbrief 17
- Radio Ruisriet M2M 7 september
- 1 september: extra kamer voor Het Blauwe Huis
- Presentatie 'Atlas of Suggestion' 1-9 September
Augustus 2007
Juli 2007
Juni 2007
Mei 2007
April 2007
Februari 2007
November 2006
September 2006
Mei 2006
April 2006
Maart 2006
September 2005
Mei 2005
April 2005
Maart 2005
Juni 2004
Mei 2004

(as of July 11, 2009) HOSPITALITY Dr. Johan Siebers is a philosopher and communication theorist. He is a senior lecturer in the philosophy of communication at the Department of English Language and Linguistics of the University of Central Lancashire and a research fellow of the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies of the School of Advanced Study, University of London. He is also an associate of the Tosca Strategic Consulting Group, London, Chair and co-founder of the section for communication philosophy of the European Communication Research and Education Association and board member of the Ernst Bloch Gesellschaft, Ludwigshafen. For many years Siebers worked for Royal Dutch Shell developing communication practices and technologies, human resources management and global future scenarios. He is invited by the Blue House to explore future scenarios and concrete utopias for IJburg as a mirror and focal point of Europe. Dr. Peter Thompson has been teaching at the University of Sheffield since 1990, when he was appointed to build up the provision of politics and history options within the Department of Germanic Studies. His interests have always been in the post-war history of the GDR and German unification, but his main area of research at present is in the field of Ernst Bloch studies. encompassing the philosophical impact of his theories of Hope, Utopia and his view of the central role of faith in social transformation. He has established The Centre for Ernst Bloch Studies at Sheffield. Since 1990 Dr. Thompson has published articles on the history of ideas, political developments in the GDR and post-unification Germany, Brecht, ecology and philosophy. In 2005 he published The Crisis of the German Left and is one of the founding editors of the journal DEBATTE that deals with German and wider Central European Affairs. Future projects include a monograph on the `Privatisation of Hope´ - focusing on the relevance of Bloch´s ideas in the context of the globalisation of the economy but also of the atomisation of communal values. Dr. Volker Schneider research interest is focused on Theory of the State, Organizational Studies, Evolution of political Institutions and Network Analysis. Julie Kitchener Dr. Isis Brook is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy with research interests in 'place'. She has published on ideas such as the 'Spirit of Place' and the use of phenomenology and Goethean observation to sense and come to know places. She is currently researching the role that participatory green spaces in urban environments have in counteracting the problem of what is sometimes called 'nature deficit disorder' and positively building healthy human/nature and individual/community relationships. Her web page is: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/iscri/isis_brook.php Maaike Engelen INSTANT URBANISM STEALTH.unlimited (Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen) is a practice based between Rotterdam and Belgrade. STEALTH shape opportunities where various fields of investigation meet and where thinking about possible future(s) of the city are mobilized. They consider space both a tool and an agency, and focus on innovative aspects of sometimes hidden, temporary or unplanned urban practices that challenge ways in which to create physical aspects of the city and of its culture. In this, shifts of perspectives – from visual culture, urban research, spatial intervention, to cultural activism - are a key element. STEALTH produce test conditions to probe the shared authoring of urban space and culture. Their projects deal with the complexity and inconsistency of the contemporary city, like Wild City (Belgrade), Urban Catalyst (Amsterdam), Challenging the Conservative Brain (Kunstverein Munich), Cut for Purpose (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam), Lost Highway Expedition (Western Balkans). In 2008 STEALTH co-curated the Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale, while currently they curate the first contribution to the Tirana International Contemporary Art Biannual dedicated to urban issues. http://www.stealth.ultd.net/ International Festival (Tor Lindstrand and Marten Spangberg) began collaborating as “International Festival” in 2004 but have worked together on and off since the early 1990s, moving fluidly among performance, video, and architecture, academic theorizing and pure entertainment. Mårten Spångberg works and lives in Brussels and Stockholm. His work starts from choreography but branches out into different forms of expression. He initiated the Panacea Festivals in Stockholm (1996 - 2001) and co-curated the Body Currency, Wiener Festwochen (1998), Read My Lips, Oslo (1997), the Fourth International Summer Academy, Frankfurt (2002), and CAPITALS Acarte, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, (2002-2003). He is a frequent essayist and has worked as an opera and dance critic for daily newspapers, such as Aftonbladet (1991-93) and Dagens Nyheter (1993-97). Tor Lindstrand (Stockholm) is an architect active in his own office Larsson, Lindstrand and Palme. He is senior lecturer at the Royal School of Architecture in Stockholm specialised in digitial interfaces for architectural production. He is a pioneer in respect of creative platforms issued for emerging 3D environments. He is the initiator of LOL architects the first large scale online 3D architectural office. Tor Lindstrand has worked as an artist often together with Mårten Spångberg creating works for both visual and performance art contexts. He is also an editor of Merge Magazine, a magazine on visual culture published in English since 1996. Dubravka Sekulic, born 1980, is an architect-researcher, considering architecture as cultural practice that can motivate and guide changes in future. Since 2003 she is working at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade with teacher Ivan Kucina, as a teaching assistant on various programs, most of them cooperative projects with different architecture schools. Since 2007 she is the executive editor of Anchor, newly established school magazine. Recent research projects include a consultancy study "New spatial strategy for city of Zagreb" (2007) in collaboration with Platforma 9.81; a catalogue of Belgrade informal architecture co-authored with Ivan Kucina. Currently, she is a researcher in the design department at the Jan van Eyck Academy working on a project about transformation of department stores in former Yugoslavia. Emiliano Gandolfi is an architect and curator with specific interests in art and architecture. He was the curator of the Experimental Architecture section of the Italian Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, 11th International Architecture Exhibition. Santiago Cirugeda, born 1971, has produced architectural projects, written articles and participated in different educational and cultural contexts (master classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, debates, etc.). For the last decade Santiago Cirugeda has been developing subversive projects in different areas of urban reality which help him to tolerate our complicated social life. His projects range from systematic occupations of public spaces with containers to prosthetics specially built for façades, courtyards, roofs and even vacant lots. And all this happening somewhere between the legality and illegality which reminds us of the huge control we are constantly under. For that purpose, he has generated protocols of action appearing in several mass-media, websites and publications. The author only warns us as follows: “All urban recipes are for public use, and any citizen wishing to, can use them for their strategic and legal development. A comprehensive study of the different locations and urban situations citizens wish to intervene in is strongly recommended. Any physical or intellectual risk as a result of using such recipes is the responsibility of the citizen.” Manuela Zechner is a cultural worker and researcher living between the UK and Austria. Her main projects include the future archive www.futurearchive.org, vocabulaboratories www.vocabulaboratories.net as well as collective work related to contemporary subjectivity and ways of thinking change. Anja Kanngieser is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She has been working on examining the intersections between aesthetics and activism, specifically German activist groups that use aesthetic techniques as a means of articulating their dissent. She is also involved in the future archives project, and works with installation and radio. Eva de Klerk is a project booster, concept developer, network amplifier, fundraiser and the key motivator behind new creative and urban developments in Amsterdam. Eva is one of the initiators of the NDSM wharf in Amsterdam North. She has a passion for projects, which previously had no direction but are both raw and monumental. These can initially appear unsuitable for development and where a traditional economic approach may not provide the solution. It is these arenas, those where development appears to be impossible that excite Eva. ACCELERATED HISTORY Dr. Paul O’ Neill is a curator, artist, and writer, based in Bristol. He is a Research Fellow in Commissioning Contemporary Art with Situations at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he is leading the international research project ‘Locating the Producers’. He has written extensively on curatorial practice past and present and is commissioning editor of the curatorial anthology Curating Subjects, ed. Paul O’Neill (Amsterdam & London, de Appel and Open Editions, 2007). In 2007, he completed his PhD at Middlesex University on the development of contemporary curatorial discourses since the late 1980s. He has curated or co-curated over 60 projects including: Coalesce: Happenstance, SMART, Amsterdam (2009); D.B, Four Gallery, Dublin (2008); Tape Runs Out, Text and Work Gallery, Bournemouth (2007); Intermittent, Gallery for One, Dublin (2007); Making Do, The Lab, Dublin (2007); Our Day Will Come, Zoo Art Fair, London (2006); General Idea: Selected Retrospective, Project, Dublin (2006); Mingle-Mangled, part of Cork Caucus, Cork (2005); La La Land, Project, Dublin (2005); Coalesce: The Remix, Redux, London (2005); Tonight, Studio Voltaire, London, (2004); Coalesce: With All Due Intent at Model and Niland Art Gallery, Sligo (2004); Are We There Yet? Glassbox, Paris (2000) and Passports, Zaçheta Gallery of Contemporary Art, Warsaw (1998). Between 2001-03, he was gallery curator at London Print Studio Gallery, where he curated group shows such as Private Views; Frictions; A Timely Place...Or Getting Back to Somewhere; All That is Solid and solo projects: Being Childish Billy Childish; Phil Collins Reproduction Timewasted; Harrowed: Faisal Abdu’ Allah and Locating: Corban Walker. He was Artistic Director of MultiplesX from 1997-06; an organisation that commissions and supports curated exhibitions of artist’s editions, which he established in 1997 and has presented exhibitions at spaces such as the ICA, London; Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin; Ormeau Baths, Belfast; Glassbox, Paris and The Lowry, Manchester. As an artist, he has exhibited widely including at: Zaçheta Gallery of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; temporarycontemporary, London; Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York; Villa Arson, Nice; South London Gallery; Cell, London; the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin; Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin and many others. He has lectured on Curatorial Training Programmes including those at Goldsmiths College London; de Appel, Amsterdam and the Whitney ISP, New York. His writing has been published in many books, catalogues, journals and magazines including Art Monthly, Space & Culture, Everything, Contemporary, The Internationaler and CIRCA. He is currently working on two new books to be published in 2010. Vanessa Vasic-Janekovic is studying art at the University of The West of England, and interning at Situations. She has organised, and participated in several group shows in Bristol and Croatia. During the Balkan, Iraq and the Rwandan wars, Vanessa was a war reporter and documentary filmmaker, working with Arkzin, C4, BBC, ABC, ITN, ARTE, Discovery Channel, The Independent, The Guardian and other broadcast and print media. Michael Wilson Jonathan Banks Eva Fotiadi Ph.D, (GR/NL) is an art historian/theorist specialised in 20th century art. Her research interests focus on art and public spaces, collectivity and socio-political activism, and on forms of play and games in art. She completed her PhD Participation and Collaboration in Contemporary Art in 2008, and is currently teaching at the University of Amsterdam and the G. Rietveld Academy. Sally Tallant is the Head of Programmes at the Serpentine Gallery, London where she is responsible for the delivery of an integrated programme of Exhibitions, Architecture, Education and Public Programmes. Since 2001 she has been developing an ambitious programme of artist’s projects and commissions, conferences, talks and events. Recent projects include the Edgware Road(a series of 14 artists’ commissions), Skill Exchange(5 artist and architects’ projects exploring housing and the aging population) Manifesto, Experiment and Interview Marathons Hans Ulrich Obrist; Disassemblywith Runa Islam, Christian Boltanski, Yona Friedman and Faisal Abdu’Allah; Lets Twitch Again, Maria Y’Barra Jnr.; Hearing Voices, Seeing Things: Art and Mental Health(7 artists residences with North East London Mental Health Trust); Park Productsby Kathrin Böhm and Andreas Lang and residencies with Tomoko Takahashi, Toby Paterson and A Constructed World. She has curated and organised exhibitions in a wide range of contexts including the Hayward Gallery, Milch, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; lectured on graduate and post-graduate courses at the internationally and is a regular contributor to conferences nationally and internationally. She is an academic referee for the Litmus Research Centre at Massey University in New Zealand, on the Board of Directors of the Exhibition Road Cultural Group, the external examiner for MA Fine Art at Central St Martins’ and on the Advisory Board of the Goldsmiths Media Research Programme Spaces, Connections, Controlfunded by the Leverhume Trust. transparadiso (Barbara Holub and Paul Rajakovics) is a platform between architecture, urban design and urbanistic and artistic intervention. The projects range from design objects (as side product of larger scale contexts) to architecture and complex issues of urban development and society with a focus on “research through practice”. Currently transparadiso is realising a new city quarter in Salzburg for which it was awarded the Otto-Wagner-Urban-Design-Prize in 2007. www.transparadiso.com Maria Fusco is a Belfast-born writer, editor and lecturer. In 2009-2010 she is the inaugural Writer-in-Residence at Whitechapel Gallery in London, and the Critic-in-Residence at the Kadist Art Foundation in Paris. She is Director of Art Writing at Goldsmiths, and founder/editor of The Happy Hypocrite, a new journal for and about experimental writing. Sophie Hope's work inspects the uncertain relationships between art and society. This involves establishing how to declare her politics through her practice; rethinking what it means to be paid to be critical and devising tactics to challenge notions of authorship. Since co-founding the curatorial partnership B+B in 2000, Sophie has gone on to pursue her independent practice, with recent projects taking place in a Dutch new town, south London housing estate and Austrian cultural embassy. Sophie also writes, teaches and facilitates workshops, dealing with issues of public art, the politics of socially engaged art and curating as critical practice. www.welcomebb.org.uk Ned Rossiter is an Australian media theorist and Associate Professor of Network Cultures, University of Nottingham, Ningbo and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. He is author of Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions (NAi, 2006; Manifestolibri, 2009). http://orgnets.net Christoph Schafer Basak Senova is a curator and designer based in Istanbul. She studied Literature and Graphic Design (MFA in Graphic Design and Ph.D. in Art, Design and Architecture at Bilkent University) and attended the 7th Curatorial Training Programme of Stichting De Appel, Amsterdam. She has been writing on art, technology and media, initiating and developing projects and curating exhibitions since 1995. Senova is the editor of art-ist 6, Kontrol Online Magazine and one of the founding members of NOMAD, as well as the organizer of ctrl_alt_del and Upgrade!Istanbul. She is the curator of the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Venice Biennale; currently, lecturing at the Faculty of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
OUT OF THE BLUE / Biographies
(as of July 11, 2009) HOSPITALITY Dr. Johan Siebers is a philosopher and communication theorist. He is a senior lecturer in the philosophy of communication at the Department of English Language and Linguistics of the University of Central Lancashire and a research fellow of the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies of the School of Advanced Study, University of London. He is also an associate of the Tosca Strategic Consulting Group, London, Chair and co-founder of the section for communication philosophy of the European Communication Research and Education Association and board member of the Ernst Bloch Gesellschaft, Ludwigshafen. For many years Siebers worked for Royal Dutch Shell developing communication practices and technologies, human resources management and global future scenarios. He is invited by the Blue House to explore future scenarios and concrete utopias for IJburg as a mirror and focal point of Europe. Dr. Peter Thompson has been teaching at the University of Sheffield since 1990, when he was appointed to build up the provision of politics and history options within the Department of Germanic Studies. His interests have always been in the post-war history of the GDR and German unification, but his main area of research at present is in the field of Ernst Bloch studies. encompassing the philosophical impact of his theories of Hope, Utopia and his view of the central role of faith in social transformation. He has established The Centre for Ernst Bloch Studies at Sheffield. Since 1990 Dr. Thompson has published articles on the history of ideas, political developments in the GDR and post-unification Germany, Brecht, ecology and philosophy. In 2005 he published The Crisis of the German Left and is one of the founding editors of the journal DEBATTE that deals with German and wider Central European Affairs. Future projects include a monograph on the `Privatisation of Hope´ - focusing on the relevance of Bloch´s ideas in the context of the globalisation of the economy but also of the atomisation of communal values. Dr. Volker Schneider research interest is focused on Theory of the State, Organizational Studies, Evolution of political Institutions and Network Analysis. Julie Kitchener Dr. Isis Brook is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy with research interests in 'place'. She has published on ideas such as the 'Spirit of Place' and the use of phenomenology and Goethean observation to sense and come to know places. She is currently researching the role that participatory green spaces in urban environments have in counteracting the problem of what is sometimes called 'nature deficit disorder' and positively building healthy human/nature and individual/community relationships. Her web page is: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/iscri/isis_brook.php Maaike Engelen INSTANT URBANISM STEALTH.unlimited (Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen) is a practice based between Rotterdam and Belgrade. STEALTH shape opportunities where various fields of investigation meet and where thinking about possible future(s) of the city are mobilized. They consider space both a tool and an agency, and focus on innovative aspects of sometimes hidden, temporary or unplanned urban practices that challenge ways in which to create physical aspects of the city and of its culture. In this, shifts of perspectives – from visual culture, urban research, spatial intervention, to cultural activism - are a key element. STEALTH produce test conditions to probe the shared authoring of urban space and culture. Their projects deal with the complexity and inconsistency of the contemporary city, like Wild City (Belgrade), Urban Catalyst (Amsterdam), Challenging the Conservative Brain (Kunstverein Munich), Cut for Purpose (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam), Lost Highway Expedition (Western Balkans). In 2008 STEALTH co-curated the Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale, while currently they curate the first contribution to the Tirana International Contemporary Art Biannual dedicated to urban issues. http://www.stealth.ultd.net/ International Festival (Tor Lindstrand and Marten Spangberg) began collaborating as “International Festival” in 2004 but have worked together on and off since the early 1990s, moving fluidly among performance, video, and architecture, academic theorizing and pure entertainment. Mårten Spångberg works and lives in Brussels and Stockholm. His work starts from choreography but branches out into different forms of expression. He initiated the Panacea Festivals in Stockholm (1996 - 2001) and co-curated the Body Currency, Wiener Festwochen (1998), Read My Lips, Oslo (1997), the Fourth International Summer Academy, Frankfurt (2002), and CAPITALS Acarte, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, (2002-2003). He is a frequent essayist and has worked as an opera and dance critic for daily newspapers, such as Aftonbladet (1991-93) and Dagens Nyheter (1993-97). Tor Lindstrand (Stockholm) is an architect active in his own office Larsson, Lindstrand and Palme. He is senior lecturer at the Royal School of Architecture in Stockholm specialised in digitial interfaces for architectural production. He is a pioneer in respect of creative platforms issued for emerging 3D environments. He is the initiator of LOL architects the first large scale online 3D architectural office. Tor Lindstrand has worked as an artist often together with Mårten Spångberg creating works for both visual and performance art contexts. He is also an editor of Merge Magazine, a magazine on visual culture published in English since 1996. Dubravka Sekulic, born 1980, is an architect-researcher, considering architecture as cultural practice that can motivate and guide changes in future. Since 2003 she is working at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade with teacher Ivan Kucina, as a teaching assistant on various programs, most of them cooperative projects with different architecture schools. Since 2007 she is the executive editor of Anchor, newly established school magazine. Recent research projects include a consultancy study "New spatial strategy for city of Zagreb" (2007) in collaboration with Platforma 9.81; a catalogue of Belgrade informal architecture co-authored with Ivan Kucina. Currently, she is a researcher in the design department at the Jan van Eyck Academy working on a project about transformation of department stores in former Yugoslavia. Emiliano Gandolfi is an architect and curator with specific interests in art and architecture. He was the curator of the Experimental Architecture section of the Italian Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, 11th International Architecture Exhibition. Santiago Cirugeda, born 1971, has produced architectural projects, written articles and participated in different educational and cultural contexts (master classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, debates, etc.). For the last decade Santiago Cirugeda has been developing subversive projects in different areas of urban reality which help him to tolerate our complicated social life. His projects range from systematic occupations of public spaces with containers to prosthetics specially built for façades, courtyards, roofs and even vacant lots. And all this happening somewhere between the legality and illegality which reminds us of the huge control we are constantly under. For that purpose, he has generated protocols of action appearing in several mass-media, websites and publications. The author only warns us as follows: “All urban recipes are for public use, and any citizen wishing to, can use them for their strategic and legal development. A comprehensive study of the different locations and urban situations citizens wish to intervene in is strongly recommended. Any physical or intellectual risk as a result of using such recipes is the responsibility of the citizen.” Manuela Zechner is a cultural worker and researcher living between the UK and Austria. Her main projects include the future archive www.futurearchive.org, vocabulaboratories www.vocabulaboratories.net as well as collective work related to contemporary subjectivity and ways of thinking change. Anja Kanngieser is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She has been working on examining the intersections between aesthetics and activism, specifically German activist groups that use aesthetic techniques as a means of articulating their dissent. She is also involved in the future archives project, and works with installation and radio. Eva de Klerk is a project booster, concept developer, network amplifier, fundraiser and the key motivator behind new creative and urban developments in Amsterdam. Eva is one of the initiators of the NDSM wharf in Amsterdam North. She has a passion for projects, which previously had no direction but are both raw and monumental. These can initially appear unsuitable for development and where a traditional economic approach may not provide the solution. It is these arenas, those where development appears to be impossible that excite Eva. ACCELERATED HISTORY Dr. Paul O’ Neill is a curator, artist, and writer, based in Bristol. He is a Research Fellow in Commissioning Contemporary Art with Situations at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he is leading the international research project ‘Locating the Producers’. He has written extensively on curatorial practice past and present and is commissioning editor of the curatorial anthology Curating Subjects, ed. Paul O’Neill (Amsterdam & London, de Appel and Open Editions, 2007). In 2007, he completed his PhD at Middlesex University on the development of contemporary curatorial discourses since the late 1980s. He has curated or co-curated over 60 projects including: Coalesce: Happenstance, SMART, Amsterdam (2009); D.B, Four Gallery, Dublin (2008); Tape Runs Out, Text and Work Gallery, Bournemouth (2007); Intermittent, Gallery for One, Dublin (2007); Making Do, The Lab, Dublin (2007); Our Day Will Come, Zoo Art Fair, London (2006); General Idea: Selected Retrospective, Project, Dublin (2006); Mingle-Mangled, part of Cork Caucus, Cork (2005); La La Land, Project, Dublin (2005); Coalesce: The Remix, Redux, London (2005); Tonight, Studio Voltaire, London, (2004); Coalesce: With All Due Intent at Model and Niland Art Gallery, Sligo (2004); Are We There Yet? Glassbox, Paris (2000) and Passports, Zaçheta Gallery of Contemporary Art, Warsaw (1998). Between 2001-03, he was gallery curator at London Print Studio Gallery, where he curated group shows such as Private Views; Frictions; A Timely Place...Or Getting Back to Somewhere; All That is Solid and solo projects: Being Childish Billy Childish; Phil Collins Reproduction Timewasted; Harrowed: Faisal Abdu’ Allah and Locating: Corban Walker. He was Artistic Director of MultiplesX from 1997-06; an organisation that commissions and supports curated exhibitions of artist’s editions, which he established in 1997 and has presented exhibitions at spaces such as the ICA, London; Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin; Ormeau Baths, Belfast; Glassbox, Paris and The Lowry, Manchester. As an artist, he has exhibited widely including at: Zaçheta Gallery of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; temporarycontemporary, London; Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York; Villa Arson, Nice; South London Gallery; Cell, London; the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin; Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin and many others. He has lectured on Curatorial Training Programmes including those at Goldsmiths College London; de Appel, Amsterdam and the Whitney ISP, New York. His writing has been published in many books, catalogues, journals and magazines including Art Monthly, Space & Culture, Everything, Contemporary, The Internationaler and CIRCA. He is currently working on two new books to be published in 2010. Vanessa Vasic-Janekovic is studying art at the University of The West of England, and interning at Situations. She has organised, and participated in several group shows in Bristol and Croatia. During the Balkan, Iraq and the Rwandan wars, Vanessa was a war reporter and documentary filmmaker, working with Arkzin, C4, BBC, ABC, ITN, ARTE, Discovery Channel, The Independent, The Guardian and other broadcast and print media. Michael Wilson Jonathan Banks Eva Fotiadi Ph.D, (GR/NL) is an art historian/theorist specialised in 20th century art. Her research interests focus on art and public spaces, collectivity and socio-political activism, and on forms of play and games in art. She completed her PhD Participation and Collaboration in Contemporary Art in 2008, and is currently teaching at the University of Amsterdam and the G. Rietveld Academy. Sally Tallant is the Head of Programmes at the Serpentine Gallery, London where she is responsible for the delivery of an integrated programme of Exhibitions, Architecture, Education and Public Programmes. Since 2001 she has been developing an ambitious programme of artist’s projects and commissions, conferences, talks and events. Recent projects include the Edgware Road(a series of 14 artists’ commissions), Skill Exchange(5 artist and architects’ projects exploring housing and the aging population) Manifesto, Experiment and Interview Marathons Hans Ulrich Obrist; Disassemblywith Runa Islam, Christian Boltanski, Yona Friedman and Faisal Abdu’Allah; Lets Twitch Again, Maria Y’Barra Jnr.; Hearing Voices, Seeing Things: Art and Mental Health(7 artists residences with North East London Mental Health Trust); Park Productsby Kathrin Böhm and Andreas Lang and residencies with Tomoko Takahashi, Toby Paterson and A Constructed World. She has curated and organised exhibitions in a wide range of contexts including the Hayward Gallery, Milch, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; lectured on graduate and post-graduate courses at the internationally and is a regular contributor to conferences nationally and internationally. She is an academic referee for the Litmus Research Centre at Massey University in New Zealand, on the Board of Directors of the Exhibition Road Cultural Group, the external examiner for MA Fine Art at Central St Martins’ and on the Advisory Board of the Goldsmiths Media Research Programme Spaces, Connections, Controlfunded by the Leverhume Trust. transparadiso (Barbara Holub and Paul Rajakovics) is a platform between architecture, urban design and urbanistic and artistic intervention. The projects range from design objects (as side product of larger scale contexts) to architecture and complex issues of urban development and society with a focus on “research through practice”. Currently transparadiso is realising a new city quarter in Salzburg for which it was awarded the Otto-Wagner-Urban-Design-Prize in 2007. www.transparadiso.com Maria Fusco is a Belfast-born writer, editor and lecturer. In 2009-2010 she is the inaugural Writer-in-Residence at Whitechapel Gallery in London, and the Critic-in-Residence at the Kadist Art Foundation in Paris. She is Director of Art Writing at Goldsmiths, and founder/editor of The Happy Hypocrite, a new journal for and about experimental writing. Sophie Hope's work inspects the uncertain relationships between art and society. This involves establishing how to declare her politics through her practice; rethinking what it means to be paid to be critical and devising tactics to challenge notions of authorship. Since co-founding the curatorial partnership B+B in 2000, Sophie has gone on to pursue her independent practice, with recent projects taking place in a Dutch new town, south London housing estate and Austrian cultural embassy. Sophie also writes, teaches and facilitates workshops, dealing with issues of public art, the politics of socially engaged art and curating as critical practice. www.welcomebb.org.uk Ned Rossiter is an Australian media theorist and Associate Professor of Network Cultures, University of Nottingham, Ningbo and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. He is author of Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions (NAi, 2006; Manifestolibri, 2009). http://orgnets.net Christoph Schafer Basak Senova is a curator and designer based in Istanbul. She studied Literature and Graphic Design (MFA in Graphic Design and Ph.D. in Art, Design and Architecture at Bilkent University) and attended the 7th Curatorial Training Programme of Stichting De Appel, Amsterdam. She has been writing on art, technology and media, initiating and developing projects and curating exhibitions since 1995. Senova is the editor of art-ist 6, Kontrol Online Magazine and one of the founding members of NOMAD, as well as the organizer of ctrl_alt_del and Upgrade!Istanbul. She is the curator of the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Venice Biennale; currently, lecturing at the Faculty of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.