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Projecten & activiteiten
instante stedelijkheid
Bikes to Borrow
Blauwe Huis Cinema
instante stedelijkheid
Bloemen voor IJburg
instante stedelijkheid
Blue Meetings
Blue Print
instante stedelijkheid
Brief van Marcel Möring
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
City Telling IJburg
Creatief op IJburg
Debat 'Kunst van het samenleven'
Do you wanna work it?
instante stedelijkheid
Faculty of Invisibility
Galerie Evolution de l'art
Geluidswandeling IJburg
Hollow Land
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
M2M Radio
Motel Out of the Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Parade der Stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
instante stedelijkheid
Project Johan Siebers
Publieke moestuin
instante stedelijkheid
Pump Up The Blue
instante stedelijkheid
Rondleiding door de stilte
instante stedelijkheid
Sing for your supper
Socially Yours
instante stedelijkheid
Stedelijk in de stad
Think Tank
Van pionieren tot wonen
ZZP krant
Bewoners & bewerkers
Bart Janssen
Landschapsarchitect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Arnhem)
Cesare Pietroiusti
Kunstenaar (Italie, woont en werkt in Rome)
Cheikh Sakho
Schilder (Senegal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Daniela Paes Leao
Kunstenaar en filmmaker (Portugal, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Dennis Kaspori
Architect (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Dennis Straat
Stadsdeelwethouder Zeeburg
Elke Krasny
Curator (Oostenrijk, werkt en woont in Wenen)
Eveline de Munck Mortier
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Floris van Heijnsbergen
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland)
Beeldend kunstenaar
Herve Paraponaris
Beeldend kunstenaar (Frankrijk, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Het Blauwe Huis
Howard Chan
Kunstenaar/directeur The AiR Association Limited (China, woont en werkt in Hong Kong)
Igor Dobrocic
Theatermaker/programmadirecteur ECF (Servië, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Igor Roovers
Programma manager Projectbureau IJburg
IJburg TV
Inga Zimprich
Kunstenaar and kunsttheoretica (Duitsland, woont en werkt in Maastricht / Ukraine)
Ingrid Meus
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Den Haag)
Jeanne van Heeswijk
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Jo van der Spek
Radiomaker (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Johan Bakker
Bewoners IJburg, initiatiefnemer van De Boekenkas
Johan Siebers
Filosoof (Nederland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Joost Grootens
Kunstenaar en vormgever (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
M7red (Mauricio Corbalan + Pio Torroja)
Architecten (Argentinië, wonen en werken in Buenos Aires)
Marcel Möring
Schrijver (Nederland, woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
Marianne Maasland
Kunsthistoricus (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Marthe van Eerdt
Bewoner IJburg, Initiatiefnemer kinderbibliotheek Leesjeblauw
Nicoline Koek
Kunsthistorica, ondernemer en initiatiefnemer Bloemen voor IJburg
Nuno Sacramento
Schaduwcurator (Portugal, woont en werkt in Lissabon)
Kunstenaars en cultureel intermediair (Nederland, wonen en werken in Amsterdam en Istanbul)
Peter van Keulen
Bewoner IJburg, initiatiefnemer van IJboot
Pilot Publishing (Ella Gibbs + Amy Plant)
Kunstenaars (Engeland, wonen en werken in Londen)
Roé Cerpac
Beeldend kunstenaar (Israël, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Rudy Luijters
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Brussel)
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Silvia Russel
Beeldend kunstenaar (Nederland, woont en werkt in Amsterdam)
Sonia Boyce
Kunstenaar (Engeland, woont en werkt in Londen)
Soundtrackcity Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Tere Recarens
Kunstenaar (Spanje, woont en werkt in Berlijn)
Transparadiso (Barbara Holub + Paul Rajakovics)
Kunstenaar & stedenbouwkundige/architect (Oostenrijk, wonen en werken in Wenen)
Usha Mahabiersing
Bewoonster IJburg, initiatiefnemer van de Blauwe Huis Cinema
Yane Calovski
Kunstenaar en schrijver (Macedonië, woont en werkt in Skopje)
When we visited The Blue House, we decided to get some bikes. We were excited to find Recycled Bicycles on Valkenburguerstraat, in central Amsterdam run by Vitor. (www.recycledbicycles.org) He salvages and is donated abandoned bikes (strictly without locks) and parts, found around the city and recycles them into good working condition. We ordered two and the next day he had them ready - one silver and one dark red. Both with the traditional Dutch back braking system. They glide perfectly!
We had some great cycles (in all weather conditions), through IJburg’s construction site, over the new cycle bridge (a must for all visitors!) and through streets east, west, north and south. We had one incident when a peddle fell off! The next day we went to Vitor who fixed it immediately (he gives a one month warranty with all his bikes).
We decided to leave the bikes at The Blue House for guests and IJburg residents to borrow. So if you need a bike or two for a day or more, all you need to do is pick up the keys and accessories from Irene or Daniela (Wednesdays & Saturdays) at The Blue House. If you would like to book them in advance you can email info@blauwehuis.org. With the keys comes a DVD to watch! This shows an interview with Vitor at Recycled Bicycles, a bike tour of IJburg and a trailer for ‘IJ Build’ a documentary about the building of IJburg that we plan to make over the next two years.
In exchange for the use of the bikes, we would like a record of the various routes taken, so to build up a resource of personal cycle maps. Please make a simple sketch mapping your cycle route. Showing places you’ve visited, sites of interest, landmarks or anything else you’ d like to others to know about and drop this off when you return the bikes.
Also if there’s anyone in IJburg planning to set up a recycled bike making or maintenance workshop we’d like to know about it. Please leave your details at The Blue House!
We hope you enjoy the bike ride!
Please tell your friends. We’d prefer the bikes to be used rather than rust in the rain.
We will be back at The Blue House early summer 2007!
Best wishes
Pilot Publishing, Amy Plant & Ella Gibbs
Pilot Publishing travels, runs workshops, maintains a library, publishes different kinds of material with all sorts of people. Each publishing project that we do is different, evolving from the people we meet, the situation and local context. We have an expanded notion of 'grass roots' publishing allowing the content to determine the form (ie it could be anything from a magazine, leaflet, poster, fanzine, comic to audio CD, film, live event etc etc). Pilot Publishing was born in 2004 out of 'Laburnum Pilot - a street magazine, made with people who live, work and pass through Laburnum Street'. Since then, Pilot Publishing has worked with different communities, educational settings and public spaces, making publishingprojects with varied resources, time scales and outcomes.

Two Bikes to Borrow
To all Blue House Guests and IJburg residents,When we visited The Blue House, we decided to get some bikes. We were excited to find Recycled Bicycles on Valkenburguerstraat, in central Amsterdam run by Vitor. (www.recycledbicycles.org) He salvages and is donated abandoned bikes (strictly without locks) and parts, found around the city and recycles them into good working condition. We ordered two and the next day he had them ready - one silver and one dark red. Both with the traditional Dutch back braking system. They glide perfectly!
We had some great cycles (in all weather conditions), through IJburg’s construction site, over the new cycle bridge (a must for all visitors!) and through streets east, west, north and south. We had one incident when a peddle fell off! The next day we went to Vitor who fixed it immediately (he gives a one month warranty with all his bikes).
We decided to leave the bikes at The Blue House for guests and IJburg residents to borrow. So if you need a bike or two for a day or more, all you need to do is pick up the keys and accessories from Irene or Daniela (Wednesdays & Saturdays) at The Blue House. If you would like to book them in advance you can email info@blauwehuis.org. With the keys comes a DVD to watch! This shows an interview with Vitor at Recycled Bicycles, a bike tour of IJburg and a trailer for ‘IJ Build’ a documentary about the building of IJburg that we plan to make over the next two years.
In exchange for the use of the bikes, we would like a record of the various routes taken, so to build up a resource of personal cycle maps. Please make a simple sketch mapping your cycle route. Showing places you’ve visited, sites of interest, landmarks or anything else you’ d like to others to know about and drop this off when you return the bikes.
Also if there’s anyone in IJburg planning to set up a recycled bike making or maintenance workshop we’d like to know about it. Please leave your details at The Blue House!
We hope you enjoy the bike ride!
Please tell your friends. We’d prefer the bikes to be used rather than rust in the rain.
We will be back at The Blue House early summer 2007!
Best wishes
Pilot Publishing, Amy Plant & Ella Gibbs
Pilot Publishing travels, runs workshops, maintains a library, publishes different kinds of material with all sorts of people. Each publishing project that we do is different, evolving from the people we meet, the situation and local context. We have an expanded notion of 'grass roots' publishing allowing the content to determine the form (ie it could be anything from a magazine, leaflet, poster, fanzine, comic to audio CD, film, live event etc etc). Pilot Publishing was born in 2004 out of 'Laburnum Pilot - a street magazine, made with people who live, work and pass through Laburnum Street'. Since then, Pilot Publishing has worked with different communities, educational settings and public spaces, making publishingprojects with varied resources, time scales and outcomes.